After Living In The Same Area For 17 years.....
This is what I have learnt.
Living in Courtenay BC has been very good for me. It is a small enough town where you can be anywhere in 15 minutes, but big enough to have the variety of small businesses and big box stores.
I bought my house on top of Ryan Road Hill. Ryan Road was basically a thru way for people getting to the Base from other parts of Courtenay. There was lots of bush to walk through and lots of deer to see.
Looking out my window, I noticed, I now have a mountain view. In the winter when all the trees had no leaves on them, I had mountain glimpses if the winds were blowing the right way. With all the building down the hill on the left side of Ryan Road, it gave me a view. Bonus when I sell.
I now can walk to stores within 5 minutes. This part of Courtenay has built up- not in a fast pace though but none the less I have almost anything I need in walking distance now. Across the street we have the College and Swimming Pool. Down the street Home Depot, Costco and soon to be Thrifty's. Our bus system has been updated, now they do not do the round Courtenay and Comox circuit. Any time I used to use the bus it would take a hour to get where I was going and a 20 minute walk to not use the bus. I usually chose the walk unless I had heavy items I did not want to lug.
I chose my house in a good area and luckily it continues to be a good area. It was not skill, it was by chance. Unfortunately, other people who chose their houses were not so lucky. Even though they knew industrial type of building would happen I believe they thought there would be more of a area between their houses and the businesses. All night long they listen to either Home Depot trucks or Costco Trucks and soon to be Thrifty's Foods trucks. Lots of complaints to City Hall. In the day time people behind the College listen to the trades building all day. Welding, hammering and the likes, can be very hard to drown out. These houses were there before the businesses and they were not cheap. While the businesses have bent over backwards to cut down on the noise, there is still noise in the middle of the night.
I am lucky, except for some increased traffic on Ryan Road, everything built up here is a bonus when I sell my house. None of them are in my back yard. Mountain views, short walking distance to College, Pool, Grocery Stores, Golfing, Home Depot and Costco, Church services at the College or School on Sundays.
So the important lesson I learned when choosing my next home is when buying a home be careful especially if the area is not built up already. In all cases check with the city to see what zoning is around the area of your home-to-be, check for long term plans, or you may get a Costco or Thirfty's literally in your back yard.
Angela Kroemer, AMP
Mortgage Professional
TMG The Mortgage Group Canada Inc.
TMG Sharie Marie Mortgage Team
Your Mobile Mortgage Professional in The Comox Valley
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The community profiles look at trends in vacancies and monthly rents in each area; the charts and tables show how the communities stack up on a national scale.
A wealth of additional information for each province and what the statisticians term “Census Metropolitan Areas” is available online at, but the following offers a glimpse of what lies ahead for 2012, based on what happened in 2011.