The main reason is so you are not spending money on your mortgage that you do not have to.
Mortgage rates are low - lower than they've ever been. Now is the perfect time to refinance your home so you'll be mortgage free sooner and save thousands of dollars taking advantage of the low rates.
If you have a mortgage of $120000.00 and are paying 3.89%, with 25 year amortization your monthly payment would be $624.08 or close to that.
If your mortgage is $120000.00 and you are paying 3.29% with 25 year amortization your monthly payment would be about $589.50 .
So in a year your savings would be about $415.00, which equals a few nights out in a nice restaurant, or maybe 2 nights in a hotel room. It is money you are giving to your bank when you could take advantage of it and enjoy and have fun with it yourself.
Now if your interest rate that you are paying is more than 3.29% the savings are higher. You could afford a small vacation, new furniture or new appliances, without changing anything except for your mortgage rate.
Now is the time to get your Mortgage Check Up , while the rates are low.
Call Today !!!!!!!!!
Thank you
Angela Kroemer, AMP
Mortgage Professional
TMG The Mortgage Group Canada Inc.
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Angela Kroemer, AMP
Mortgage Professional
Local : 1.250.650.4182
Email :akroemer@mortgagegroup.com,
Website : KROEMERmortgages.com