Ask Angela
Question: We are selling our home. How do we get our home ready to sell?
Answer: Depending on the condition of the home there could be several things you should do. For starters:
- walk through your house as if you were going to buy it today. Have paper and pen ready and jot down any flaws or blemishes you see.
-fresh paint is essential if you have not painted in the last 2 years. Keep the colors neutral, now is not the time to experiment with color. If you have previously painted and all the rooms are a different color, you may want to repaint to make all rooms the same.
-get in a cleaning team and wash everything down. Dead bugs in the ceiling lights are not attractive and can turn a buyer off.
-potential buyers will look in your cupboards, under sinks, closets, clean and tidy those areas.
-declutter your home even if it means renting a storage unit for awhile.
-change out any nasty rugs. If they are old replace them.
-if the potential buyers are serious they will hire a home inspector, that will find the obvious flaws, so address those flaws before hand. (leaky plumbing, saggy floors, roof leaking)
-your yard. Make sure all plants and trees are well pruned, alive and healthy. Grass needs to be cut and edges weed whacked. Hire a yard maintenance service to tame your yard and to cut it weekly.
When you think your house is ready to sell, get a neighbour, friend or family member to walk though your house. Tell them to be brutally honest, they should be able to pick up a few more flaws, and you will thank them when your house gets sold fast.
Questions or comments akroemer@mortgagegroup.com
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Angela Kroemer, AMP
Mortgage Professional
Local : 1.250.650.4182
Email :akroemer@mortgagegroup.com,
Website : KROEMERmortgages.com