The Definition of a New Years Resolution is : A
New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more
personal goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. A key element to a New
Year's Resolution that sets it apart from other resolutions is that it is made
in anticipation of the New Year and new beginnings. People committing themselves
to a New Year's resolution generally plan to do so for the whole following year.
This lifestyle change is generally interpreted as advantageous.
Last year I made a new years resolution to join Toastmasters. It took me until March to fulfill that resolution. Every week that went by, I had some excuse, In the Comox Valley where I live we have 3 different clubs- meeting different days, so it wasn't the lack of choice of the day that stopped me it was the fear of getting into the unknown. The big fear of speaking in front of strangers.
That first Wednesday in March, I took those fears, stifled them and headed to the Toastmasters meeting. I knew no one but I knew I wanted to become a better speaker.
I was warmly welcomed by the club, everyone introduced themselves and a member took me under their wing, introduced me to the club and sat beside me explaining what was happening as the meeting progressed. I did not feel confident enough to speak that evening and that was okay. Their is no harsh push for you to speak. It is a go at your own pace type of club.
The next week, I had a no excuse for not going. Let me tell you, I was looking for any excuse but could not. The club was warm and inviting, so I went.
In Toastmasters there is Table Topics, which is a time to practise speaking for up to 2 minutes without preparation. Thinking on your feet they say. You are asked a question usually to go with the theme of the evening and you answer the question to the best of your ability. The first night I went 26 seconds and that was fine. But, also that night I saw how much I needed the expertise of this club and their members to help guide me to become a better speaker.
I joined that night and I have never looked back.
There is a small fee when joining to pay for your books and rental of the room you meet in. The club I belong to is is less than $100.00 every 6 months. A bargain for sure.
What have I accomplished in 9 months at Toastmasters?
- Table topics for 2 minutes no problem
- Preparing and organizing a speech for 5-7 mins
- Preparing and organizing a educational speech for 8-10 minutes
- Prepared speech for 5-7 minutes without the use of notes (you can use notes for as long as you want)
- a confidence in speaking
- confidence in life itself
- new friends
- Leadership skills
Not bad for 9 months
Anyone and everyone can benefit from Toastmasters. Toastmasters is international. It is hard not to find a club in your area. Maybe this year is your year to join. This link will take to their introductory page as well as a club finder
Got questions about Toastmasters-- send me an email.
So, What will be your New Years Resolution?

Last year I made a new years resolution to join Toastmasters. It took me until March to fulfill that resolution. Every week that went by, I had some excuse, In the Comox Valley where I live we have 3 different clubs- meeting different days, so it wasn't the lack of choice of the day that stopped me it was the fear of getting into the unknown. The big fear of speaking in front of strangers.
That first Wednesday in March, I took those fears, stifled them and headed to the Toastmasters meeting. I knew no one but I knew I wanted to become a better speaker.
I was warmly welcomed by the club, everyone introduced themselves and a member took me under their wing, introduced me to the club and sat beside me explaining what was happening as the meeting progressed. I did not feel confident enough to speak that evening and that was okay. Their is no harsh push for you to speak. It is a go at your own pace type of club.
The next week, I had a no excuse for not going. Let me tell you, I was looking for any excuse but could not. The club was warm and inviting, so I went.
In Toastmasters there is Table Topics, which is a time to practise speaking for up to 2 minutes without preparation. Thinking on your feet they say. You are asked a question usually to go with the theme of the evening and you answer the question to the best of your ability. The first night I went 26 seconds and that was fine. But, also that night I saw how much I needed the expertise of this club and their members to help guide me to become a better speaker.
I joined that night and I have never looked back.
There is a small fee when joining to pay for your books and rental of the room you meet in. The club I belong to is is less than $100.00 every 6 months. A bargain for sure.
What have I accomplished in 9 months at Toastmasters?
- Table topics for 2 minutes no problem
- Preparing and organizing a speech for 5-7 mins
- Preparing and organizing a educational speech for 8-10 minutes
- Prepared speech for 5-7 minutes without the use of notes (you can use notes for as long as you want)
- a confidence in speaking
- confidence in life itself
- new friends
- Leadership skills
Not bad for 9 months
Anyone and everyone can benefit from Toastmasters. Toastmasters is international. It is hard not to find a club in your area. Maybe this year is your year to join. This link will take to their introductory page as well as a club finder
Got questions about Toastmasters-- send me an email.
So, What will be your New Years Resolution?