What is a CHIP Mortgage? CHIP Home
Income Plan?
Through the CHIP Home Income Plan, homeowners
55+ can access up to 50% of the current appraised value of their principal
residence. The exact amount available will depend on the age of the homeowner
and his or her spouse as well as the location and type of home.What's New With CHIP?
We have reduced our legal, closing & admin costs – to $0 where a client initially chooses a 5 year interest term; and to $795 where a client chooses an initial 3 year interest term.
How Does The CHIP Advances Get Paid Out
Just a reminder that CHIP clients have a number of different options for receiving their CHIP advances:
(1) can take the full amount approved all in one lump sum, or
(2) can take an initial lump sum ($20,000 minimum) and take the rest later (optional). They can take the rest in two ways: (a) in lump sum draws of at least $10,000 each time, and/or (b) as monthly draws of $500 and up (ie. like an income), or
(3) right from the start, they can take their full CHIP in fixed monthly/quarterly draws of at least $1,000
CHIP advances are not regarded as income for income tax purposes. So, they don’t affect any government benefits customers may be receiving.
These options # 2 & 3 might work well for those who are not comfortable with the risk involved in investing money for income; but would like to have extra monthly income. For example, clients who would like to be able to afford some in-home care so they can stay in their homes longer.
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