Angela Kroemer Mortgage Professional

Angela Kroemer Mortgage Professional
Showing posts with label grants. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grants. Show all posts

Monday, September 12, 2011

Down Payment not Required

You read the ads. No Down Payment.  What does this mean?

First of all, in most cases to not have a down payment you need a excellent credit history.  Which means you pay your bills on time and have income.

Next step is you need to be able to borrow the down payment.  The ways in which you can borrow are:
personal loans
lines of credit
credit cards
grants as long as not involved property purchase transaction. Example cannot be a builder loan.

The easy step is to call or email so we can set up a time to go through an application and see if you qualify.  This can be done over the phone or person to person.  Which ever is more comfortable for you.
If it is person to person then I usually meet with you at your home, but it can be at the library, coffee shop, your office, restaurant, etc.

If you are an outdoor type of person I enjoy meeting my clients at a park. Especially on a nice day.  I even bring the coffee. 

Angela Kroemer Mortgage Professional