Angela Kroemer Mortgage Professional

Angela Kroemer Mortgage Professional
Showing posts with label courtenay best rate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label courtenay best rate. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Who Really Manages Household Debt?

Men and women have different opinions, suggests Manulife Bank survey.

According to Manulife Bank of Canada's recent debt survey, just over half of women (54 per cent) but only 39 per cent of men in two-adult households indicate that responsibility is equally shared when it comes to managing household debt.

In cases where respondents don't feel responsibility is equally shared, both men and women are far more likely to indicate that the responsibility lies with them rather than with their partner. Slightly over half (56 per cent) of men and a third of women (36 per cent) state that household debt is managed by "mostly me" or "only me." Conversely, only 10 per cent of women and four per cent of men indicate that household debt is managed by "mostly my partner" or "only my partner." Interestingly, virtually no men indicate debt is managed by "only my partner."
Differing perceptions about who is responsible for debt-management within the relationship could reflect a lack of communication, making it difficult for homeowners to become debt-free. "The good news is that, in general, most people feel they have some responsibility for managing household debt," shared Doug Conick, President and CEO of Manulife Bank of Canada. "However, the results seem to indicate that many couples might not be discussing debt with one another. I strongly recommend that any Canadians who don't have a plan for becoming debt-free reach out to an independent financial advisor for personalized debt management advice."
The survey also looked at attitudes by age group and found that respondents in their fifties are more likely to report shared responsibility for debt management (52 per cent) while those in their thirties are less likely to do so (43 per cent). Regionally, Quebec (53 per cent) and Alberta (52 per cent) homeowners were most likely to indicate shared responsibility for managing debt while Ontario (42 per cent) homeowners were least likely to do so.
Women are more concerned about debt, less optimistic
In general, women appear to be more concerned about debt, but at the same time they are less confident about being able to reduce or eliminate it. Slightly more women (81 per cent) than men (75 per cent) listed "being or becoming debt-free" as a top financial priority.
Men and women place relatively equal importance on being debt-free at retirement - with about eight in 10 indicating this is a high priority. However, more men (55 per cent) than women (49 per cent) are confident that they'll achieve that goal. This perception may be influenced by recent experience, with fewer women (47 per cent) than men (54 per cent) indicating a reduction in debt over the past 12 months.
Moreover, women appear to be more averse to the idea of retiring with debt outstanding - 60 per cent indicate they would find this scenario very stressful compared to just 42 per cent of men. "In many households there's a discrepancy in attitudes, perceptions and expectations between couples with regards to debt, likely because they are either managing their own personal debt separately or just aren't talking enough to one another about finances," added Mr. Conick.
The survey found that the desire to be debt-free at retirement is relatively consistent across Canada. However, respondents in BC and Quebec (each at 57 per cent) are most confident about achieving that goal while residents of Atlantic Canada (44 per cent) are least confident.
Debt-reduction is a priority and most are willing to reduce spending - just not on technology
More than three quarters (77 per cent) of Canadian homeowners indicate that it's very important for them to reduce their debt in the next 12 months, but only 56 per cent feel they're likely to achieve this goal. This relative lack of confidence may reflect experience over the past year. Nearly a quarter of respondents (24 per cent) report an increase in debt over the past 12 months and a further 15 per cent report no change in their debt over that time frame. Regionally, homeowners from BC (56 per cent) and Atlantic Canada (54 per cent) are the most likely to report a reduction in debt over the past 12 months. Homeowners in Manitoba and Saskatchewan are the most likely to report an increase in debt over the past year (30 per cent).
When asked what types of discretionary spending they would be willing to cut back on if it would help them become debt-free sooner, only 12 per cent of homeowners would be willing to cut back on phone/internet/cable services - reflecting the increasingly "wired in" nature of our society. At the other end of the spectrum, the discretionary spending categories people are most willing to cut back are household furnishings/appliances (42 per cent) and dining out (41 per cent).
"Finding and reducing non-essential expenses is a good first step in tackling debt." said Mr. Conick. "Another great strategy is to make your money work harder by organizing your finances more efficiently." The survey found that nearly a third (31 per cent) of homeowners list the interest rate on their debt as a factor making it difficult for them to become debt-free. "Given our current low interest-rate environment, an easy way for many homeowners to reduce interest costs might be to simply consolidate their debt at a lower rate."
While respondents in all regions indicate they are least willing to cut back on phone/internet/cable, they differ somewhat on which discretionary expenses they are most willing to reduce spending. Atlantic Canadians (50 per cent) and Ontarians (44 per cent) are most willing to cut back on dining out. In Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, 48 per cent indicated they'd be willing to cut back on household furnishings/appliances.
Women and men differ somewhat in this area as well. Women are more apt to reduce spending on household furnishings (45 per cent), dining out (44 per cent) and entertainment (39 per cent) than men (40 per cent, 37 per cent and 32 per cent respectively).
"Overall, this survey tells us that Canadian homeowners want to be debt-free, but that they're not necessarily talking with one another about how to get there," remarked Mr. Conick. "To avoid carrying debt into their pre-retirement and retirement years, it's important to get a debt-management plan in place."
About the Manulife Bank of Canada Debt Survey
The Manulife Bank of Canada poll surveyed 2,127 Canadian homeowners in all provinces between ages 30 to 59 with household income of more than $50,000. The survey was conducted online by Research House, an Environics company, between August 13-23, 2012. Full survey results, including additional regional, gender and
age-group comparisons, are available at

Monday, September 17, 2012

What Documents Are Needed For Your Mortgage?

So you  have decided  to buy a home and you know that documents are needed.
But, what documents are needed for the mortgage.

Every mortgage is different. 

From the onset you may think a mortgage is just a mortgage, but it is not quite that easy.
Your mortgage is unique to you.  That is why a mortgage professional will tailor a mortgage just for you.

As a general rule, before you start looking for your home, it is a good idea to get these documents organized and in a safe place.  Also, talk with a mortgage professional (me), to know the amount you will qualify for.

 Your mortgage professional may ask for documents, before she/he can send your approval to the Lender.

  You will not need all of the documents listed below, it just depends on your circumstance.
Also, addtional documentation may be asked by the Lender when your mortgage approval gets sent in for the approval.

At this point, your mortgage professional may ask for the addtional documentation.   You can get a faster commitment finalized if all the documentation is in order.

Below are the most common documents asked for but not all are usually needed:

If you are a salaried or hourly worker you need:
Letter of employment--Salary--  Position, salary, start date
                                     Hourly-- Position, Start date and hours worked in a week
Current pay stub
T4 slips from the last two years
T4A slips from the last two years if it applies to you
Canada Revenue Assessment from the last two years

If you are self employed you need:
T4A slips from the last two years
Tax returns from the last two years pages 1-3
Statement of Income and Expenses from the last tax return
Financial Statements if the company is joint partnership or incorporated.

Proof of Down Payment:
This section is really important because of the laws of money laundering.  There must be a paper trail that the government can follow.

If using RRSP's as a down payment then the most recent statement.
If using chequing account amount then the last 3 months if chequing account statements
If using investment account then the most recent statement
If using a gift then a gift letter with the exact amount stated. Also a photocopy of gift cheque and deposit slip.

Paper work for the Property being Purchased (if you have decided on a property)

Full appraisal - your broker should be able to order that
Recent tax assessment from assessment authority
Copy of real estate contract of property being purchased
Copy of property condition disclosure statement
MLS listing sheet
If Strata a copy of the last 6 months meetings minutes and annual general minutes

Particulars of the Lawyer you are using
The name and address of Branch where your down payment is
Copy of Void cheque for your mortgage payments
A completed pre authorized cheque form for your mortgage payments.

Other Income

You may be able to use child support or spousal support as income as long as it is documented in a court document.

You may be able to  use Child tax Benefit as income providing the child is 12 years or younger.

You may be able to use Universal Child Care Benefits as income providing the child is 1 year old or younger.

If you are not sure if you are able to qualify for a mortgage at this time, give me a call or email me,  We can go over your particular situation.

This is a no fee service whether you do qualify for a mortgage or not.
Apply Now !

Angela Kroemer, AMP
Mortgage Professional
TMG The Mortgage Group Canada Inc.
TMG Sharie Marie Mortgage Team
Local: 1.250.650.4182----- phone or text me
TFP: 1.888.679.0190
Fax: 1.888.679.0192
Your Mobile Mortgage Professional in The Comox Valley TM

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